
What paper straws are made of, and how are they made?

We hear a lot of buzz about paper straws left and right. Similarly, one of the most renowned companies in the world, such as Starbucks, American Airlines, and McDonald’s are shifting from single-use plastic straws to sustainable paper straws. As these big names are working diligently to be conscious of the environment, paper straws are becoming a repetitive name in every household now. Being one of the avid supporters of the eco-friendly movement, we introduced our very own paper straws almost a year ago. But it got to us recently that people might want to have a little insight on what paper are straws made of? And how paper straws are made? Therefore, we did some digging to curb your curiosity and to uncover this fascinating process to every curious mind out there! The details of this article include, What paper straws are made of? How paper straws are made?   What paper straws are made of? With the avid …

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Paper Straws VS Plastic Straw

Paper straws are increasingly becoming more popular as the sustainability movements are picking up the speed. On the other hand, plastic straws are only becoming a consistent target of criticism and are facing constant backlash and government restrictions. By the end of this article, you will be able to tell if the paper straws are the right pick for you, and do they make the cut? So without any further ado, let’s dive in! It would only be fair if I dissect both paper and plastic straws, so the comparison is well justified. Paper straws: Paper straws are decomposable: Although there are uncountable benefits of paper straws. The quality of paper straw being decomposable comes on the top of the list. Paper straws are 100% eco-friendly: The production of paper straws does not generate much greenhouse gases as compared to the amount generated in the plastic straw production. Paper straws do not harm marine life: Paper straws are harmless for …

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What makes paper straws eco-friendly?

Ever since the breakthrough of the youngest global environmental activist Greta Thunderberg, consumers are becoming more aware of the adverse impact of plastic straws on our oceans and other water bodies. Paper straws are what we need precisely to save the planet from the inevitable plastic havoc. Although plastic straws are an accessible and relatively inexpensive option, the effects on the mother planet Earth are tragic as they are non-decomposable. Moreover, plastic straws can take hundreds of years to disintegrate, and even when they do, they still leave toxic traces of minute plastic particles. Say yes to eco-friendly paper straws and join the masses on the revolutionary movement to cleaner and healthier earth and environment. Read on to find out what makes paper straws eco-friendly and how a single choice can help preserve our world for our future generation? Paper straws are biodegradable: One of the most integral reasons why you need to make the switch today is that the …

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Pros and cons of paper straws

In the earlier blog posts, we talked about the glory of paper straws. But I figured it is about time to dissect the pros and cons of using paper straws. Everything comes with for and against, and paper straws are no exception. So without further ado, let us get started! Pros of paper straws:  Paper and wax are the two main things used in the making of paper straws. Paper and wax both are plant-based, sustainable, and harmless to our environment. Therefore, it is easy to say that paper straws are entirely environmentally friendly. Paper straws are one of the cheapest alternatives to plastic straws. Even though plastic straws are most inexpensive, they are hazardous for our digestive tracts, non-biodegradable, and produce tons and tons of harmful emissions. The difference in the cost of each kind of straw is not significant. Thus, I conclude that the extra cent spent on paper straws is rather beneficial for your body as well …

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What makes bio-degradable paper straws an excellent choice?

As a paper straw manufacturer in Malaysia, we are well-aware of the choices we make, and we will unveil all the factors that made us pick a paper straw business in Malaysia. Furthermore, we will debunk the reasons that make biodegradable paper straws an excellent choice: Paper straws are 100% natural: We are one of the very few paper straw suppliers/manufacturers in Malaysia who produce straws that are 100% plant-based, ethically sourced, and natural. Paper straws are free from toxic chemicals, making them extremely safe to use. Paper straws are very comfortable to use: Using paper straws is sure a pleasant experience. Paper straws are soft, so they are easy on lips as well as on your teeth. Therefore, you can have a smooth slurping experience without damaging your lips and teeth. Paper straws are incredibly eco-friendly: Along with being a paper straw manufacturer, we are also an avid advocate of eco-friendly straws. Paper straws help sustain energy and natural …

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How paper straws are helping our environment?

If you have watched the viral video of a plastic straw stuck in the bleeding nostril of a sea turtle and still think using plastic straws are harmless. You need to rethink it! Plastic straws are highly detrimental to our planet and wildlife. So paper straws are one of the best ways to help the environment in multiple ways. We use 182.5 billion straws each year and to think that each one of them contributes to intensive plastic pollution. It all sounds ridiculous, right? I know. Plastic straws are bad for marine life, whereas paper straws are thoroughly safe and marine-life friendly. As mentioned earlier, the heart-wrenching video of a sea turtle with a plastic straw should be enough to wake us up from a deep slumber of sheer negligence and stay conscious of our actions because they impact life on Earth other than us. Plastic straws are hazardous for the environment as they break into minute particles. These chemicals …

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How paper straws are better than plastic straws

As the adverse impacts of excessive use of plastic are spreading like the wind, myriads of people are making a conscious shift in terms of the items they consume regularly. As a result, many renowned restaurants and multi-million coffee chains around the world have stopped using plastic and have banned the use of plastic straws. At this point, it is evident that plastic is not only bad for us but also hazardous for marine life. From killing dozens of fishes in minutes to choking airways of beautiful turtles and creating plastic pollution, the harm done by plastic is inevitable. Paper straws have stepped in to change the game while staying completely eco-friendly! They are one of the most viable alternatives to plastic straws. So, I have brought you the following reasons why paper straws are better than plastic straws: Paper straws are biodegradable, while plastic straws are not! Paper straws are compostable and disintegrate without a hitch. So regardless of …

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Sustainability with paper straws

Straws have a significant role in our day-to-day life. From sipping on iced americanos, magnificent boba teas, classic cokes, majestic matcha lattes to fruity iced teas, we use straws all the time, don’t we? However, now is the time to be mindful of the straws we use regularly! Long gone are the days of producing and consuming products that prove to be detrimental to our mother planet earth. As much as using plastic straws seems of no great concern, they still harm Earth regardless of their small size. Since the size of the straws is very small, you cannot recycle them. Therefore, they end up in the heaps of ocean trash. Disastrous! Choosing biodegradable paper straws is one of the many sustainable options available out there. Paper straws are entirely biodegradable and compostable. So in case they somehow end up in our ocean, they will start to break down in a snap of your finger. Paper straws not only decay …

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